The Principles Of Seattle Couples Therapy

By Lawanda Burch

Being in a relationship can take a lot of hard work to keep it going strong. The relationship might have started out strong with a lot of passion and desire to always be together and share every moment possible, but over time the flames of love whither away and are replaced by feelings of anger and despair. This does not mean that the love has died. Part of the problem could be that a couple has lost how to communicate effectively with each other and they might need outside help to get back on track. While some relationships will break apart and people will go their own ways, others will seek out seattle couples therapy professionals to assist them in restoring the good connection they once had.

The first step many counselors take is allowing people to express themselves. They do this so the personality of each person comes out and one can explore their personality and feelings. A part of how a person views the world is based on their experiences, perceptions, and values. Knowing why a person holds certain viewpoints is the beginning of learning how to understand them.

A counselor will try to understand how a person thinks and why they think that way. Conflicts are a part of life both when dealing with people individually and with dealing with society at large. One problem that people have is when their conflict resolution methods become destructive.

Many couples have trouble because of personality traits that have developed over time before they might have even meant their partner. Some people feel insecure because that were raised to believe they were not good enough. Then something happens that triggers the feelings they felt as a child and the spouse reacts poorly to innocent remarks or gestures.

Arguments can take on a life of their own. What could actually be a minor disagreement gets augmented when the feelings of past quarrels are still unresolved. The angry sentiments of past disputes are reflected in the new disagreement and, what could have been resolved with a little bit of discussion, explodes into a big fight.

There are some issues that many couples have problems with that can trigger a disagreement. The financial condition of the relationship is well known to cause disagreements between partners. They may be angry about how much money they have and how they are going to spend it. Some relationships are strained when an immediate family member or close friend pressure one of the partners to feel and act in negative ways.

Counselors specialize in opening the doors of communication. They will try to have the partners understand each other better. This understanding can lead to better communication methods that can strengthen their relationship.

Repairing damaged relationships can take time and effort. Seattle couples therapy sessions have been useful at restoring loving relationships that might have ended without this kind of intervention. Partners can learn to view each other and their situation in a completely different manner that is not as threatening as it might have been. This understanding could help them develop the strong connection that might have been striving for.

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