Why Legalizing Marijuana Could Be Revised

By James Spann

Lobby groups in support of legalizing marijuana have confronted authorities and policy makers with the incredible benefits such an move would have on the society. Their argument is that the drug should be removed from the criminal justice system and proper regulations be put in place. The idea is to have a policy and legal framework like the one that regulates sale and consumption of alcohol.

At the face value, the economic, medical and health benefits of cannabis include expanded revenue avenues for families and taxes for governments. It could be taken as a lucrative cash crop that will create employment in farming, sale and distribution. The economy will experience life changing ripple effects either directly or indirectly. Cannabis has continued to thrive underground which has led to widespread destruction of lives and conflicts with the law. Legalization will reduce the instances of conflict and enable the governments to take control of the industry instead of leaving it to criminals and cartels.

Governments use immense resources that are considered a waste in fighting its growth and use. There are other more deserving areas like enhancing law and order or fighting social crimes. The time spent dealing with cannabis related court cases would be use to clear legitimate backlog. Farmers are more creative on ways of spreading its benefits without the fear of authority.

Different institutions have been studying a host of medical reasons for using marijuana. They have conducted research and tests over the years to establish the right quantity and how frequent it can be used. Some of the notable discoveries include reduced suicide rates. Some of the states have recorded a reduction up to ten percent. It is easier to cope with certain situations and move away from suicide related thoughts.

Experts have advanced other health reasons for using marijuana including prevention and management of depression. It pushes back the onset of anxiety and panic attacks which allows a person to handle grave situations. It is effective in cases like psychosis, suicidal ideation and schizophrenia. Some of these effects are reinforced by personality issues and therefore give varying results from one person to the other.

Answering the question should marijuana be legalized requires an evaluation of information coming from economists and medical researcher in renowned world universities. They have advocated for development of policies to guide access and use of cannabis instead of criminalizing it. It should be used with active prescriptions only. Other social support structures like health care must be provided to prevent misuse. Tests are ongoing to determine dosage in different situations.

The danger posed by legalizing marijuana in a haphazard manner emanates from the tendency to turn it into a recreation tool. The effects of such a move include addiction which has far reaching social and economic implications. There is a recorded discrepancy between the effects of marijuana on men and women at a certain age. A comparison of the long term effects of alcohol and cannabis is in favor of cannabis.

Lifting the ban on cannabis creates a new psychological environment which will transform the industry. The guilt that is associated with growing, sale, distribution and use will be lifted. It opens up room for creativity and innovation on other products through which it can be used. The users will follow instructions given by medical researchers to avoid adverse health damage. It will keep the plant from abuse for recreation purposes. Users will have their health and medical conditions easily monitored and the avenue for more research will be opened.

Some findings have confirmed marijuana as a pain relief agent. It does not need processing and is easy to administer. Its incorporation in foods and drinks helps to avoid the tradition method of ingestion through smoking. The manufacture and distribution of cookies is regulated to prevent abuse. The system is legal and under the control of the government and necessary authorities.

Lobbyists have fronted stress reduction as the single most important benefit of cannabis use. A society that is free of stress increases productivity and reduces crimes. Stress is associated with low immunity and therefore cannabis would indirectly reduce cases of illnesses.

Legalizing marijuana is a debate that is picking up pace and spreading to different states. The idea is gaining the support of reputable institutions for health and economic purposes. The trickle down effect of reduced stress in the society should inform the legalization procedures. The rewards outweigh the evils.

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